Slovakia’s natural beauty, historic towns, and vibrant culture are a joy to discover, and speaking some Slovak will make your trip even better. Exploring Bratislava, hiking in the High Tatras, or visiting Spiš Castle is more fulfilling when you can communicate with locals. Slovak is a melodic and expressive language that offers a window into the country’s rich heritage. Here are some essential Slovak phrases to help you on your travels.
Slovak is a West Slavic language spoken primarily in Slovakia, where it is the official language. It is also spoken by Slovak communities in neighboring countries and diaspora communities worldwide. Slovak is closely related to Czech, Polish, and other Slavic languages. It has its own unique grammar system with noun declension, verb conjugation, and grammatical cases. Slovak uses the Latin-based alphabet with diacritical marks. It has a rich vocabulary with words derived from Slavic roots and borrowings from other languages. Slovak plays a significant role in Slovak literature, culture, and national identity, reflecting the country's rich history and heritage.
Learning a foreign language opens up a world of opportunities, allowing you to connect with people from different cultures and expand your horizons. Whether you're planning a trip or simply curious about a new language, mastering some basic words and phrases is a great place to start.
Yes | Áno |
No | Nie |
Please | Prosím |
Yes, please | Áno, prosím |
No, thank you | Nie, ďakujem |
Thanks | Dík (inf) |
Thank you | Ďakujem |
Thank you very much | Ďakujem veľmi pekne |
You're welcome | Prosím |
No problem | Žiadny problém |
Excuse me | Prepáčte |
I’m sorry | Je mi to ľúto |
Sorry | Prepáčte |
Cheers! | Na zdravie! |
Okay | Dobre |
Greetings are an essential part of any language. Saying "hello" and "goodbye" can create an instant connection with native speakers. In many languages, "hello" is a universal term, but learning the specific greeting for the language you're interested in can show respect and appreciation. Similarly, learning how to say "goodbye" will help you leave a positive impression.
Hi | Ahoj (inf) Čau (inf) |
Hello | Ahoj (inf) |
Good day | Dobrý deň |
Good morning | Dobré ráno |
Good afternoon | Dobré popoludnie |
Good evening | Dobrý večer |
Good night | Dobrú noc |
Goodbye | Dovidenia |
See you later! | Vidíme sa neskôr! |
Have a nice day! | Príjemný deň! |
Bye | Ahoj |
Next, let's explore basic conversation starters. Asking "how are you?" or "what's your name?" in another language is a friendly way to engage with others. These simple phrases can pave the way for more meaningful conversations and help you build rapport.
How are you? | Ako sa máte? (frm) Ako sa máš? (inf) |
I'm fine | Mám sa dobre |
Good, thank you! | Ďakujem, dobre! |
And you? | A ty? |
Nice to meet you! | Rada vás spaznávam (frm/f) Rád t’a spoznávam (inf/m) Teší ma! |
Pleased to meet you! | Rád som vás spoznal |
What is your name? | Ako sa voláte? (frm) Ako sa voláš? (inf) |
My name is … | Volám sa ... |
Where are you from? | Odkiaľ ste? (frm) |
I am from … | Ja som z ... |
I don't speak Slovak | Nehovorím po slovensky |
Do you speak English? | Hovoríte po anglicky? |
I understand | Rozumiem |
I do not understand | Nerozumiem |
I like it | Páči sa mi to |
I don't like it | Nepáči sa mi to |
How is the weather today? | Ako je dnes počasie? |
Can you recommend any local attractions? | Môžete odporučiť nejaké miestne atrakcie? |
When staying at a hotel in a foreign country, it's helpful to be familiar with some phrases that can assist you during your stay. Here are a few key phrases you can use in a hotel.
Hotel | Hotel |
Reception | Recepcia |
Reservation | Rezervácia |
Hotel room | Hotelová izba |
Key | Kľúč |
Breakfast | Raňajky |
I have a reservation | Mám rezerváciu |
I would like to book a room | Chcel by som si rezervovať izbu |
Do you have any rooms available? | Máte voľné izby? |
When dining at restaurants in a foreign country, it's helpful to know phrases that can assist you during your meal. Being able to request a table, order food and drinks, and ask for the bill are important for a pleasant dining experience.
Restaurant | Reštaurácia |
Menu | Jedálny lístok |
A table for one, please | Jeden stôl pre jednu osobu, prosím |
A table for two, please | Jeden stôl pre dve osoby, prosím |
I would like a coffee, please | Prosím si kávu |
Enjoy your meal! | Dobrú chuť! |
Can I have the bill, please? | Môžem dostať účet, prosím? |
Can you bring me the bill, please? | Môžete mi priniesť účet, prosím? |
I would like to pay, please | Zaplatim, prosím |
The bill, please | Účet, prosím |
Can I pay with cash? | Môžem platiť v hotovosti? |
Can I pay with card? | Môžem platiť kartou? |
Can I pay with credit card? | Môžem platiť kreditnou kartou? |
Could you suggest something for me? | Môžete mi niečo odporučiť? |
Can I have a glass of water, please? | Mohol by som dostať pohár vody, prosím? |
Do you have any local specialties? | Máte nejaké miestne špeciality? |
Being able to order food and drinks, ask for recommendations, and express preferences or dietary restrictions will enhance your dining experience and allow you to explore the local cuisine.
Breakfast | Raňajky |
Lunch | Obed |
Dinner | Večera |
Food | Jedlo |
Drinks | Pitie |
Bread | Chlieb |
Sandwich | Sendvič |
Cheese | Syr |
Meat | Mäso |
Fish | Ryba |
Vegetables | Zelenina |
Fruit | Ovocie |
Vegetarian | Vegetariánsky |
I am a vegetarian | Som vegetarián |
Coffee | Káva |
Tea | Čaj |
Beer | Pivo |
Wine | Víno |
Juice | Šťava |
Water | Voda |
Milk | Mlieko |
Dessert | Dezert |
Salad | Šalát |
Soup | Polievka |
Just like how saying hello helps you connect with others, exploring phrases related to locations and services can greatly enhance your travel experience. Whether you're looking for important places like banks or post offices, these expressions can open up doors to immersing yourself in the local culture.
ATM | Bankomat |
Bank | Banka |
Beach | Pláž |
Library | Knižnica |
Museum | Múzeum |
Park | Park |
Pharmacy | Lekáreň |
Post Office | Pošta |
School | Škola |
Tourist Information | Turistické informácie |
Knowing how to ask for the price, request a different size or color, or simply say "I'm just looking" can be useful when shopping in local markets or stores.
Store | Obchod |
Supermarket | Supermarket |
Grocery store | Obchod s potravinami |
Market | Trh |
Bakery | Pekáreň |
Bookstore | Kníhkupectvo |
How much does this cost? | Koľko to stojí? |
Can I get a receipt? | Mohol by som dostať účtenku? |
I'm just looking | Len sa pozerám |
Sunglasses | Slnečné okuliare |
Umbrella | Dáždnik |
Learning phrases related to asking for directions, understanding common landmarks, and getting around the city will help you navigate unfamiliar places with ease.
Where is the toilet? | Kde je toaleta? |
Where is the beach? | Kde je pláž? |
How do I get to the airport? | Ako sa dostanem na letisko? |
Left | Vľavo |
Right | Vpravo |
Straight ahead | Priamo |
Is it far from here? | Je to odtiaľ ďaleko? |
Can you show it on the map? | Môžete to ukázať na mape? |
How long does it take to walk there? | Koľko to trvá chôdza tam? |
Familiarizing yourself with phrases for using public transportation, such as asking for a ticket, stating your destination, or inquiring about schedules, will make your travel experience smoother and more efficient.
Airport | Letisko |
Plane | Lietadlo |
Train station | Vlaková stanica |
Train | Vlak |
Bus station | Autobusová stanica |
Bus | Autobus |
Taxi | Taxík |
Ticket | Lístok |
Can I get a ticket to Bratislava? | Môžem dostať lístok do Bratislavy? |
I would like a ticket to Bratislava | Chcel by som lístok do Bratislavy (m) Chcela by som lístok do Bratislavy (f) |
I need a ticket to Bratislava | Potrebujem lístok do Bratislavy |
A ticket to Bratislava, please | Lístok do Bratislavy, prosím |
What time is the next train to Bratislava? | O kol’kej ide d’alší vlak do Bratislavy? |
When is the next train to Bratislava? | Kedy príde d’alší vlak do Bratislavy? |
When does the next train to Bratislava leave? | Kedy odchádza ďalší vlak do Bratislavy? |
When you're in a different country, it's really important to be aware of emergency phrases such as 'help,' 'hospital,' and 'police.' Using expressions like 'emergency' and 'I need help' can help you overcome language barriers and make sure you're ready for any unexpected situations that might occur. Having a good grasp of these phrases will help keep you safe and give you peace of mind while traveling.
Help! | Pomoc! |
Help me! | Pomoc! |
I need help | Potrebujem pomoc |
I need assistance | Potrebujem pomoc |
I need a doctor | Potrebujem doktora |
Police | Polícia |
Police Station | Policajná stanica |
Hospital | Nemocnica |
Ambulance | Sanitka |
Doctor | Lekár |
Fire department | Hasiči |
Fire! | Oheň! |
Effortlessly asking and telling the time enhances your travel experience, from coordinating schedules to catching transportation, adding a valuable layer to your linguistic toolkit for effective communication during your stay.
What time is it? | Koľko je hodín? |
It is one o'clock | Je hodina jedna |
It is half past two | Je pol tretej |
Morning | Ráno |
Afternoon | Popoludní |
Evening | Večer |
Night | Noc |
Today | Dnes |
Tomorrow | Zajtra |
Yesterday | Včera |
Learning numbers is essential for tasks like counting, ordering quantities, or understanding prices.
Zero | Nula |
One | Jeden |
Two | Dve |
Three | Tri |
Four | Štyri |
Five | Päť |
Six | Šesť |
Seven | Sedem |
Eight | Osem |
Nine | Deväť |
Ten | Desať |
Eleven | Jedenásť |
Twelve | Dvanásť |
Thirteen | Trinásť |
Fourteen | Štrnásť |
Fifteen | Pätnásť |
Sixteen | Šestnásť |
Seventeen | Sedemnásť |
Eighteen | Osemnásť |
Nineteen | Devätnásť |
Twenty | Dvadsať |
Twenty-one | Dvadsaťjeden |
Twenty-two | Dvadsaťdva |
Twenty-three | Dvadsaťtri |
Twenty-four | Dvadsaťštyri |
Twenty-five | Dvadsaťpäť |
Twenty-six | Dvadsaťšesť |
Twenty-seven | Dvadsaťsedem |
Twenty-eight | Dvadsaťosem |
Twenty-nine | Dvadsaťdeväť |
Thirty | Tridsať |
Forty | Štyridsať |
Fifty | Päťdesiat |
Sixty | Šesťdesiat |
Seventy | Sedemdesiat |
Eighty | Osemdesiat |
Ninety | Deväťdesiat |
Hundred | Sto |
Two hundred | Dvesto |
One thousand | Tisíc |
Two thousand | Dvetisíc |
Three thousand | Tri tisíce |
Hundred thousand | Sto tisíc |
Million | Milión |
Ordinal numbers play a crucial role in conveying sequence and order. Whether you're navigating travel itineraries, selecting seats, or exploring historical sites, understanding expressions like 'first,' 'second,' and so on is essential.
First | Prvý |
Second | Druhý |
Third | Tretí |
Fourth | Štvrtý |
Fifth | Piaty |
Sixth | Šiesty |
Seventh | Siedmy |
Eighth | Ôsmy |
Ninth | Deviaty |
Tenth | Desiaty |
Eleventh | Jedenásty |
Twelfth | Dvanásty |
Thirteenth | Trinásty |
Fourteenth | Štrnásty |
Fifteenth | Pätnásty |
Sixteenth | Šestnásty |
Seventeenth | Sedemnásty |
Eighteenth | Osemnásty |
Nineteenth | Devätnásty |
Twentieth | Dvadsiaty |
Knowing the names of the days of the week will help you schedule activities, make appointments, or plan your itinerary.
Monday | Pondelok |
Tuesday | Utorok |
Wednesday | Streda |
Thursday | Štvrtok |
Friday | Piatok |
Saturday | Sobota |
Sunday | Nedeľa |
Being familiar with the names of the months will allow you to discuss dates, make reservations, or talk about specific time frames.
January | Január |
February | Február |
March | Marec |
April | Apríl |
May | Máj |
June | Jún |
July | Júl |
August | August |
September | September |
Oktober | Október |
November | November |
December | December |
Understanding basic question words like who, what, where, when, why, and how will enable you to ask for information or clarification in various situations.
What? | Čo? |
What is that? | Čo je to? |
What do you need? | Čo potrebujete? |
What do you like? | Čo sa ti páči? |
Where? | Kde? |
Where is the toilet? | Kde je toaleta? |
When? | Kedy? |
When is the next train? | Kedy príde ďalší vlak? |
When can we meet? | Kedy sa môžeme stretnúť? |
Why? | Prečo? |
Why is it expensive? | Prečo je to drahé? |
How? | Ako? |
How are you doing? | Ako sa vám darí? |
Which? | Ktorá? Ktoré? Ktorý? |
Which book belongs to your sister? | Ktorá kniha patrí vašej sestre? (f) |
Which museum did you visit? | Ktoré múzeum ste navštívili? |
Who? | Kto? |
Who is that? | Kto je to? |
Who is your travel companion? | Kto je tvoj spoločník na cestách? |
Whose? | Koho? |
Whose bag is this? | Koho je to taška? |
How many? | Koľko? |
How many people were at the concert? | Koľko ľudí bolo na koncerte? |
How much? | Koľko? |
How much does this cost? | Koľko to stojí? |
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