Croatia’s stunning coastline and historic cities, like Dubrovnik and Split, are even more enjoyable when you know a bit of Croatian. A few basic phrases can help you navigate local markets, order delicious seafood, and engage with the warm and friendly locals. Croatian opens up a deeper connection to the country's rich culture and history. Let’s dive into some essential Croatian phrases to make your trip unforgettable.
Croatian is a South Slavic language spoken primarily in Croatia, where it is the official language. It is also spoken in Bosnia and Herzegovina and other neighboring countries with Croatian communities. Croatian is closely related to Serbian, Bosnian, and Montenegrin, and they are mutually intelligible. It uses the Latin-based alphabet with some additional diacritical marks. Croatian has a complex grammar system with noun declension, verb conjugation, and grammatical cases. It has borrowed words from other languages, including German, Italian, and Turkish. Croatian plays a vital role in Croatian culture and literature, reflecting the country's rich history and heritage.
Learning a foreign language opens up a world of opportunities, allowing you to connect with people from different cultures and expand your horizons. Whether you're planning a trip or simply curious about a new language, mastering some basic words and phrases is a great place to start.
Yes | Da |
No | Ne |
Please | Molim |
Yes, please | Da, molim |
No, thank you | Ne, hvala |
Thanks | Hvala |
Thank you | Hvala |
Thank you very much | Puno ti hvala |
You're welcome | Izvoli |
No problem | Nema problema |
Excuse me | Oprosti |
I’m sorry | Oprostite (frm) Oprosti (inf) |
Sorry | Žao mi je |
Cheers! | Živjeli! |
Okay | U redu |
Greetings are an essential part of any language. Saying "hello" and "goodbye" can create an instant connection with native speakers. In many languages, "hello" is a universal term, but learning the specific greeting for the language you're interested in can show respect and appreciation. Similarly, learning how to say "goodbye" will help you leave a positive impression.
Hi | Bok |
Hello | Zdravo |
Good day | Dobar dan |
Good morning | Dobro jutro |
Good afternoon | Dobar dan |
Good evening | Dobra večer |
Good night | Laku noć |
Goodbye | Doviđenja |
See you later! | Vidimo se kasnije! |
Have a nice day! | Ugodan dan! |
Bye | Bok |
Next, let's explore basic conversation starters. Asking "how are you?" or "what's your name?" in another language is a friendly way to engage with others. These simple phrases can pave the way for more meaningful conversations and help you build rapport.
How are you? | Kako ste? (frm) Kako si? (inf) |
I'm fine | Ja sam dobro |
Good, thank you! | Dobro, hvala! |
And you? | A ti? |
Nice to meet you! | Drago mi je! |
Pleased to meet you! | Drago mi je! |
What is your name? | Kako se zovete? |
My name is … | Moje ime je … |
Where are you from? | Odakle ste? (frm) Odakle si? (inf) |
I am from … | Ja sam iz … |
I don't speak Croatian | Ne govorim hrvatski |
Do you speak English? | Govorite li engleski? |
I understand | Razumijem |
I do not understand | Ne razumijem |
I like it | Sviđa mi se |
I don't like it | Ne sviđa mi se |
How is the weather today? | Kakvo je danas vrijeme? |
Can you recommend any local attractions? | Možete li preporučiti neke lokalne atrakcije? |
When staying at a hotel in a foreign country, it's helpful to be familiar with some phrases that can assist you during your stay. Here are a few key phrases you can use in a hotel.
Hotel | Hotel |
Reception | Recepcija |
Reservation | Rezervacija |
Hotel room | Hotelska soba |
Key | Ključ |
Breakfast | Doručak |
I have a reservation | Imam rezervaciju |
I would like to book a room | Želio bih rezervirati sobu |
Do you have any rooms available? | Imate li slobodnih soba? |
When dining at restaurants in a foreign country, it's helpful to know phrases that can assist you during your meal. Being able to request a table, order food and drinks, and ask for the bill are important for a pleasant dining experience.
Restaurant | Restoran |
Menu | Izbornik |
A table for one, please | Stol za jednu osobu, molim |
A table for two, please | Stol za dvije osobe, molim |
I would like a coffee, please | Htio bih kavu, molim (m) Htjela bih kavu, molim (f) |
Enjoy your meal! | Dobar tek! |
Can I have the bill, please? | Mogu li dobiti račun, molim? |
Can you bring me the bill, please? | Možete li mi donijeti račun, molim? |
I would like to pay, please | Htio bih platiti, molim (m) Htjela bih platiti, molim (f) |
The bill, please | Račun, molim |
Can I pay with cash? | Mogu li platiti gotovinom? |
Can I pay with card? | Mogu li platiti karticom? |
Can I pay with credit card? | Mogu li platiti kreditnom karticom? |
Could you suggest something for me? | Možete li mi nešto predložiti? |
Can I have a glass of water, please? | Mogu li dobiti čašu vode, molim te? |
Do you have any local specialties? | Imate li neke lokalne specijalitete? |
Being able to order food and drinks, ask for recommendations, and express preferences or dietary restrictions will enhance your dining experience and allow you to explore the local cuisine.
Breakfast | Doručak |
Lunch | Ručak |
Dinner | Večera |
Food | Hrana |
Drinks | Pića |
Bread | Kruh |
Sandwich | Sendvič |
Cheese | Sir |
Meat | Meso |
Fish | Riba |
Vegetables | Povrće |
Fruit | Voće |
Vegetarian | Vegetarijanac |
I am a vegetarian | Ja sam vegetarijanac (m) Ja samvegetarijanka (f) |
Coffee | Kava |
Tea | Čaj |
Beer | Pivo |
Wine | Vino |
Juice | Sok |
Water | Voda |
Milk | Mlijeko |
Dessert | Desert |
Salad | Salata |
Soup | Juha |
Just like how saying hello helps you connect with others, exploring phrases related to locations and services can greatly enhance your travel experience. Whether you're looking for important places like banks or post offices, these expressions can open up doors to immersing yourself in the local culture.
ATM | Bankomat |
Bank | Banka |
Beach | Plaža |
Library | Knjižnica |
Museum | Muzej |
Park | Park |
Pharmacy | Ljekarna |
Post Office | Pošta |
School | Škola |
Tourist Information | Turistički ured |
Knowing how to ask for the price, request a different size or color, or simply say "I'm just looking" can be useful when shopping in local markets or stores.
Store | Trgovina |
Supermarket | Supermarket |
Grocery store | Dućan |
Market | Tržnica |
Bakery | Pekara |
Bookstore | Knjižara |
How much does this cost? | Koliko to košta? |
Can I get a receipt? | Mogu li dobiti račun? |
I'm just looking | Samo gledam |
Sunglasses | Sunčane naočale |
Umbrella | Kišobran |
Learning phrases related to asking for directions, understanding common landmarks, and getting around the city will help you navigate unfamiliar places with ease.
Where is the toilet? | Gdje je WC? |
Where is the beach? | Gdje je plaža? |
How do I get to the airport? | Kako doći do zračne luke? |
Left | Lijevo |
Right | Desno |
Straight ahead | Ravno naprijed |
Is it far from here? | Je li to daleko odavde? |
Can you show it on the map? | Možete li to pokazati na karti? |
How long does it take to walk there? | Koliko dugo treba hodati tamo? |
Familiarizing yourself with phrases for using public transportation, such as asking for a ticket, stating your destination, or inquiring about schedules, will make your travel experience smoother and more efficient.
Airport | Zračna luka |
Plane | Avion |
Train station | Željeznički kolodvor |
Train | Vlak |
Bus station | Autobusni kolodvor |
Bus | Autobus |
Taxi | Taxi |
Ticket | Ulaznica |
Can I get a ticket to Zagreb? | Mogu li dobiti kartu do Zagreba? |
I would like a ticket to Zagreb | Htio bih kartu do Zagreba (m) Htjela bih kartu do Zagreba (f) |
I need a ticket to Zagreb | Trebam kartu do Zagreba |
A ticket to Zagreb, please | Jednu kartu do Zagreba, molim |
What time is the next train to Zagreb? | U koje vrijeme ide sljedeći vlak do Zagreba? |
When is the next train to Zagreb? | Kada ide sljedeći vlak do Zagreba? |
When does the next train to Zagreb leave? | Kada polazi sljedeći vlak do Zagreba? |
When you're in a different country, it's really important to be aware of emergency phrases such as 'help,' 'hospital,' and 'police.' Using expressions like 'emergency' and 'I need help' can help you overcome language barriers and make sure you're ready for any unexpected situations that might occur. Having a good grasp of these phrases will help keep you safe and give you peace of mind while traveling.
Help! | Pomoć! |
Help me! | Pomozi mi! |
I need help | Trebam pomoć |
I need assistance | Trebam pomoć |
I need a doctor | Trebam liječnika |
Police | Policija |
Police Station | Policijska postaja |
Hospital | Bolnica |
Ambulance | Hitna pomoć |
Doctor | Liječnik |
Fire department | Vatrogasci |
Fire! | Požar! |
Effortlessly asking and telling the time enhances your travel experience, from coordinating schedules to catching transportation, adding a valuable layer to your linguistic toolkit for effective communication during your stay.
What time is it? | Koliko je sati? |
It is one o'clock | Jedan sat je |
It is half past two | Dva i pol sata je |
Morning | Jutro |
Afternoon | Popodne |
Evening | Večer |
Night | Noć |
Today | Danas |
Tomorrow | Sutra |
Yesterday | Jučer |
Learning numbers is essential for tasks like counting, ordering quantities, or understanding prices.
Zero | Nula |
One | Jedan |
Two | Dva |
Three | Tri |
Four | Četiri |
Five | Pet |
Six | Šest |
Seven | Sedam |
Eight | Osam |
Nine | Devet |
Ten | Deset |
Eleven | Jedanaest |
Twelve | Dvanaest |
Thirteen | Trinaest |
Fourteen | Četrnaest |
Fifteen | Petnaest |
Sixteen | Šesnaest |
Seventeen | Sedamnaest |
Eighteen | Osamnaest |
Nineteen | Devetnaest |
Twenty | Dvadeset |
Twenty-one | Dvadeset jedan |
Twenty-two | Dvadeset dva |
Twenty-three | Dvadeset tri |
Twenty-four | Dvadeset četiri |
Twenty-five | Dvadeset pet |
Twenty-six | Dvadeset šest |
Twenty-seven | Dvadeset sedam |
Twenty-eight | Dvadeset osam |
Twenty-nine | Dvadeset devet |
Thirty | Trideset |
Forty | Četrdeset |
Fifty | Pedeset |
Sixty | Šestdeset |
Seventy | Sedamdeset |
Eighty | Osamdeset |
Ninety | Devedeset |
Hundred | Sto |
Two hundred | Dvjesto |
One thousand | Tisuću |
Two thousand | Dvije tisuće |
Three thousand | Tri tisuće |
Hundred thousand | Sto tisuća |
Million | Milijun |
Ordinal numbers play a crucial role in conveying sequence and order. Whether you're navigating travel itineraries, selecting seats, or exploring historical sites, understanding expressions like 'first,' 'second,' and so on is essential.
First | Prvi |
Second | Drugi |
Third | Treći |
Fourth | Četvrti |
Fifth | Peti |
Sixth | Šesti |
Seventh | Sedmi |
Eighth | Osmi |
Ninth | Deveti |
Tenth | Deseti |
Eleventh | Jedanaesti |
Twelfth | Dvanaesti |
Thirteenth | Trinaesti |
Fourteenth | Četrnaesti |
Fifteenth | Petnaesti |
Sixteenth | Šesnaesti |
Seventeenth | Sedamnaesti |
Eighteenth | Osamnaesti |
Nineteenth | Devetnaesti |
Twentieth | Dvadeseti |
Knowing the names of the days of the week will help you schedule activities, make appointments, or plan your itinerary.
Monday | Ponedjeljak |
Tuesday | Utorak |
Wednesday | Srijeda |
Thursday | Četvrtak |
Friday | Petak |
Saturday | Subota |
Sunday | Nedjelja |
Being familiar with the names of the months will allow you to discuss dates, make reservations, or talk about specific time frames.
January | Siječnja |
February | Veljača |
March | Ožujak |
April | Travanj |
May | Svibanj |
June | Lipanj |
July | Srpanj |
August | Kolovoz |
September | Rujan |
Oktober | Listopad |
November | Studeni |
December | Prosinac |
Understanding basic question words like who, what, where, when, why, and how will enable you to ask for information or clarification in various situations.
What? | Što? |
What do you need? | Što ti treba? |
What do you like? | Što voliš? |
Where? | Gdje? |
Where is the toilet? | Gdje je WC? |
When? | Kada? |
When is the next train? | Kada ide sljedeći vlak? |
When can we meet? | Kada se možemo naći? |
Why? | Zašto? |
Why is it expensive? | Zašto je skupo? |
How? | Kako? |
How are you doing? | Kako si? |
How would you like to pay? | Kako želiš platiti? |
Which? | Koji/koja/koje? |
Which museum did you visit? | Koje si muzeje posjetio? |
Which museums did you visit? | Koje si muzeje posjetio? |
Which one of these is your car? | Koji od ovih je tvoj auto? |
Who? | Tko? |
Who is that? | Tko je to? |
Who is your travel companion? | Tko ti je putni suputnik? |
Whose? | Čiji/čija/čije? |
Whose phone is ringing? | Čiji telefon zvoni? |
Whose bag is this? | Čija je ova torba? |
How many? | Koliko? |
How many people were at the concert? | Koliko je ljudi bilo na koncertu? |
How much? | Koliko? |
How much does this cost? | Koliko ovo košta? |
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